Jenny Yngvesson, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
Jenny Yngvesson, in 2019 became an associate professor of animal behaviour at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and apart from her research she is an enthusiastic teacher at bachelor, master and PhD levels.
She has a background in zoology and ethology and has since early in her research career had a strong interest in farm animal welfare. She did her PhD on cannibalism in laying hens, an abnormal behaviour having severe negative impact on both bird welfare and farmer economy. Her work has increasingly become collaborative with farmers and farmers’ organisations to ensure that the research is focussed on real life problems of farmers and their animals. Furthermore the expertise and innovation potential in farmers is an invaluable resource when solving the problems of farm animal welfare. She has worked with laying hens, growing pigs, dairy cattle in both Europe and Africa, broilers as well as goats in Mexico. Despite the diversity in species the red thread in her work has been the interplay between what the animal needs and what the housing and management provides.
She currently supervise four PhD students researching e.g. innovative stables for growing pigs, dairy cattle claw health and energy use in pig stables in times of climate change.