The Organizing and Scientific Committees of the 16th International Symposium” Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” look forward to welcoming you to Cluj – Napoca, Romania at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, Romania to share our scientific performance and progress during this special scientific event.
The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca is classified in the first category of “advanced research” universities of Romania, place also confirmed by the European University Association (EUA). The University becomes nowadays one of the most prestigious academic institutions from Romania.
The 16th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” will be held this year on 28th– 30th September 2017. This is a dynamic forum covering a board range of life science areas. The symposium is focused on exchanging scientific experiences, innovative ideas and concepts, future prospects in agriculture, horticulture, plant and animal science, food science and technology, biotechnology, veterinary medicine, aiming to encourage inter- and transdisciplinarity.
This event provides stimulating program, where invited speakers – international and national personalities, selected oral and poster presentations describe advanced scientific and technical results, in the context of new European Research Program “Horizon 2020”, and of the national Research – Technological Development and Innovation Program, related to Life Sciences. Also, round tables and exhibitions, in the field of life sciences, will be organized during symposium.
The symposium provides excellent context for scientific exchange, fostering collaboration, and networking, in the meantime with the opportunity of publishing the summaries of the presentations in the “Book of Abstracts” (ISSN 2392 – 6937). The participants registered to our symposium may also publish their presentations, as peer-reviewed full-papers and/or short communications, in the Bulletin of UASVM-CN nr. 74(2)/2017 –Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science-Biotechnology, Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology. The Bulletin UASVM-CN, now at volume 74, is indexed in prestigious international data bases.